06 January 2006


DB has sent you a link to a weblog:

It's sad MJ, I don't feel inclined to judge you nor did I last time I saw you, but your life speaks for itself and you are completely lost MJ, you will be in my prayers.

Blog: The Melting Jar Post: Downhill..

Seeing that I didn’t respond to him personally via email must have sent him over the edge and back to the blog of this terribly horrid (but non-judged kids – remember this..) person – and upon arriving – he found (GASP!) things he did not like.. and the conclusion – of course, the only one a rationally thinking mind can come to is that she is LOST – and her life speaks for its self. Sad – I’m doomed, it’s the eternal fires of hell for me!! BUT WAIT KIDS!! There is hope! He is going to “pray” for me.. Oh yes, the prayers of a pious saint.. I’m SAVED! I have found my salvation and that is all that is needed.. I will now forever bow and eat the table scraps offered to me by this man.. with love and adoration for the sparing of my soul he has offered..

Spare me the piety Fucktard.. Its fake – we know it.. You’re a fake, we know it.. now go back to your hole, crawl in front of your computer, download some more porn and masturbate into your scooby-doo underwear to your hearts content, or at the very least, until TS gets there and maybe you can rub up against her a few times like the old days and have to go change your shorts.. Two pumps and you’re out!

Lets cover the rules of the internet folks – this is a BLOG – this is only a BLOG – This is not real life.. there will NOT be a quiz, there will not be anything after this.. it is merely an outlet.. for me to write, to rant, to rave, to dream to whateverthefuckiwanttodoandsay.. This blog – being just a BLOG – is NOT the sum of who I am.. my writing, yes, but just my writing, not who I am. So if your small mind reads the things I publish here and concludes that this must be who I really am, I’d suggest, perhaps getting off the internet for a time, getting a real life and some real fucking friends.. THIS IS NOT THE REAL WORLD.. It’s the internet Fucktard! (god I love that word!)

Yes these are my words – Yes I put down feeling, emotion and even fact here.. but this is not who I am, merely one facet of the whole.. We forget these things when we spend too much time in cyber-land and not enough in real life – with real people, doing real things.. Lets work on getting a life and perhaps it will lead to a clue. Ok folks?? Yeah, thanks..

One more lesson – if your best friend(s) are those found in your Myspace top 8 and you’ve only met (perhaps) one of them in real life – you’ve got some reality issues to deal with. If you spend more time on the internet than you do connecting with people in real life – again, issues.. If your best “real life” friend is one you have known since high school, you’re 30 and neither one of you have grown as people, accomplished shit and still mooch off family with zero responsibility taken for yourselves.. and perhaps are the closet either of you may come to ever having a real relationship (unless porn and masturbation are now defined as relational), its time to grow the fuck up, move the fuck on and get a fucking life. If you’re a Christian and you feel it necessary to pick out the speck in my eye please remove the plank in yours as it really smarts when that thing hits me upside the head in your futile attempts to “help” me.

Oh and Fucktard – need I remind you that the last time you were at my house, had we been alone or had I given your sorry small ass dick (and no, your lack of girth doesn’t compensate for shit either.. if the girth and the length aren’t there what do you get? A formerly cute 6’4” man with a dick the size of .. well, kids lets just say small) the chance, you would have fucked me two sides of tomorrow (HAHAHA) with your stunning 3 pump action – before rolling off me and acting like it should have been the best sex of my life.. yeah, how quickly you forget.. wasn’t my hands all over you, wasn’t me touching you all night – NOPE – hasn’t been for a long ass time.. I.E. I’VE BEEN OVER IT FUCKTARD -

I’m sensing a bit of bitterness coming from me! Oh no! What to do?? Quick, someone call a prayer meeting, bring in the Holy Water – I’m in need of an exorcism.. or perhaps, I’m venting and this, again is not real fucking life. OMG – did I just say Fuck? Shit I hate it when I talk like that.. Dammit – there I go again.. I love it when we as Christians get our spiritual and cultural lines blurred and judge based upon those things we perceive as fact (cussing, smoking, drinking – all cultural issues). I also hate it when we take things too literally when Paul says – frequently – he is speaking as himself rather than on the authority of the Lord.. Calm down people – the Lord is NOT this uptight.. go back to the Bible and lets read it again..

Am I wrong, am I a sinner? HELL YES I AM. And I’m not afraid (as most are) to truly admit it and truly admit that I NEED JESUS – and without Him I’m less than nothing – am I at the point where I am more independent than dependent upon Him? Yes, I am. I am in the midst of finding balance, of finding that precious place that I know exists between the spiritual and the carnal – as I must live in both, we all must live in both and somewhere there is a balance between the two.. I am on that journey to find it.. and often times on a journey you find yourself on unexpected roads.. but they all lead to the same destination.. my road will and is leading me to Jesus.. each step I take is His, each trip, each fall, each triumph on a mountain top I thought unattainable is His – why? Because I am His – Right, wrong, sinner or saint – I am His. That’s the beauty of the Lord, He doesn’t forget what we never fail too.

Oh – and Fucktard, if I am indeed lost – need I remind you then that Jesus is in HOT pursuit of me at this very moment.. he will leave the 99 to go in search of the 1.. I am His, He does not forget this – it is unfortunate that you have.

My response to his false piety:

Spare me your prayers and the false piety DB - I believe, nor need either of them.. Lost is one thing I am not, sorry you think it.. but that’s always been a malady of yours, thinking you're correct when you really don't have a clue. You may have spared me judgment (that wasn't yours to judge in the first place) the last time I saw you, but your brand of grace always has an end, an attachment or requirement in order to be meted out.. Unlike the Lords.. and unlike the Lord, judgment is not yours to dole out..

I'd like to say that it was nice.. but truthfully, I'm just glad its over - has been, and I have been over it for a long while... I grew up, I changed, became me and you don't like it because I no longer cater to you and your whims or fit in any box you would have me to live in.. Unlike others..
Have a nice life.. any further contact from you via email will be deleted unread.


And AD’s response to me.. cause of course I bcc’d her!

Woooohooooo!!!!!!!!! Go MJ, go MJ, it's your birthday, go MJ! That's what I like to see!

Lost Sinner out!


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