13 February 2006


I broke up with RK 3 or so weeks ago.. and last weekend we spent the day/night together.. in this time he chose to tell me that he'd basically been dating someone else the whole time we'd been seeing each other (yes, at some point in time I was under the impression we were NOT dating other people, only each other) but that he wasn't drawn to her like he is to me, blah blah blah.. and blah.. but you were dating her MOTHERFUCKER.
And I let it go - we were broken up when he told me this after all.. why dwell on the past, it is exactly that right? Yep - till someone kindly rips the scab off the wound - thank you RK.
So what happens? I get hurt, I want to cry - I don't cry in front of him, I run to the bathroom in the nearest restaurant to do it - come out want to go home NOW - he has no clue why.. wants me to "talk".. Why the fuck should I talk about something that shouldn't even affect me now? Ummm hello Idiot - up until about 5 days ago I regretted breaking up with you and wanted to work it out.. yeah, I know, I never said this, I stayed silent.. but -- umm.. couldn't see it from a mile away.. wasn't that obvious?
So now what? He's mad, dropped me off without a goodbye, I'm ambivilant - he made his pot, he can stew in it - and my point that lovers (especially that close and involved - oh wait.. maybe that was just me as he was seeing somefuckingbodyelse the whole time) can NOT be friends after the relationship is over. It doesn't work. Been there, tried that, nothing good comes of it.
Door closed. Chapter over.
I loved you.. but goodbye.


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