03 August 2005


What a beautiful word.. I'm transfixed by it right now.. Truth.. What is truth? Do any of us really have the answer to that? And don't we all believe that our own reality - belief - is truth? Most likely.. Then what is it after all? Self made.. or is there some basic foundation that is truth and not subject to anything.. or subjective for that matter..

Just thoughts..

I'm sure no one reads the crap I post here.. which is fine - its for me, not for all..

Met a boy - who I like.. A lot.. just not used to this not speeded up get involved in a hurry thing.. its good.. but its not my usual.. though my usual usually lands me lonley and in heartache.. so this is a refreshing, although frustrating change.. How come you don't want to spend every waking second with me?? uh huh.. grow up missy.. its time.. =)

I may be a Doctor one day.. 7-8 years from now.. thats a werid thought to me.. Dr. Meltingjar.. hmmm MeltingJar Psy.D. HAHAHA we shall see.. 80K would be worth it.. But man the work it will take!!! I lack all forms of discipline..

We shall see.. We shall see..


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